Groveus has designed and developed EduBIOS with lots of passion, care and a powerful intention to change the way of university/college/school administration and communication. With so many unbelievable and amazing features EduBIOS can change your university/college/school too. As we want all university/college/school to enjoy the features we have kept the price as low as possible and it’s same for every university/college/school.

If you are considering buying a university/college/school management system for your university/college/school, or have bought one, you MUST read this.

We're sure you've heard the stories. So-and-so university/college/school has just purchased a cutting-edge university/college/school Management System. They spent a ton of money, and now they're online. Everything is peachy and connected. They have paid extra for the RFID badges for students and faculty member. They have got normal common parent notification system. They have got a separate database management department.

Or is it?

Often, beneath the public relations veneer, you'll find that, well, maybe everything's not that great. Instead of spending less time grading students, teachers end up spending more time trying to navigate complicated software. Information that is supposed to be retrievable at the click-of-a-button turns out to be not available. One common SMS will go to all parents, not individual SMS will get delivered. You will not be able to send results to parents individually. Parents are supposed to be able to access grades, disciplinary information and extracurricular activity but maybe that feature will go live next year.

Oh and the cost. Unforeseen circumstances have just doubled the cost from the original estimate. Then there are the hardware problems: hearing the server is down on a weekly basis. Having to key in data all over again when data disappears. Performance issues. Everything adds up to frustration, lost time and disillusionment over the technology promise.

We'll take care of it all. You just use the system.

EduBIOS, unlike other university/college/school management systems, works on an entirely different model. You don't install hardware and software, you don't manage backups, nothing like that. We manage all of that on our end. Simply go to your university/college/school website. Log-in, and you're up and running.

Can you imagine that? Up and running in minutes. But you're probably dreading keying in the data you already have, lying around in Excel spreadsheets and Word documents. Student names, teacher addresses. Don't want to key all that initial information in? Don't worry... We'll take care of it. Simply contact us to let us contact you and we will visit your university/college/school to collect your data, and we'll do all the importing for you.

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